Par Jean-Luc Renneson with collaboration Marco Selis :
Apoica (Deuterapoica) arborea de Saussure, 1854
Distribution de Apoica arborea : Amérique du sud - Sud america : DISTRIBUTION (Kurt M. PICKETT AND John W. WENZEL, 2007) : Bolivia: Santa Cruz;
Guatemala (new record); Brazil: Acre, Amazonas, Goias, Maranhao, Mato Grosso, Para´ , Rondo nia; Colombia: Caqueta ;Ecuador: Napo; French Guiana; Guyana; Peru: Cuzco, Hua´nuco, Junı´n, Loreto; Suriname.
Retour au genre Apoica - return to Apoica Genus
Littérature de référence : Richards, O.W., 1978 - The social wasps of the Americas - excluding the Vespinae - British Museum (Natural History) LONDON.
Pickett, K. M. 2003, A new species of social wasp in the genus Apoica Lepeltier (Hymenoptera : Vespidae, Polistinae, Epiponini). Proc.Entomol..soc.Wash. 105 (3) : 592-598). Thanks to James Carpenter for the information oh this new spécies.